
There are many reasons to choose Canadian Diamonds that are ethical over any other type of diamonds. All Canadian diamonds are ethical.  You don’t have to fear that anyone was treated poorly in the sourcing of your diamond. Each diamond is laser etched with the mine it came from’s logo. You can rest at ease knowing your diamond is ethical.

Where to Buy Canadian Diamonds

At Cousineau Fine Jewelry, we have a wide selection of Canadian diamonds for every taste and budget. Here are a few examples of what you will find in stock at Cousineau Fine Jewelry’s location in the 101 Mall in Timmins, Ontario

The mining of Canadian diamonds began in the 60’s although most of today’s ethical Canadian diamonds come from mines that were discovered in the 80’s or 90’s. We often hear about diamonds from Africa and India but in today’s market, Canada is one of the top diamond producers in the world for Canadian diamonds.

Prominent Diamond Mines in Canada

Diavik Diamond Mine is a diamond mine in the North Slave Region of the Northwest Territories, Canada, about 300 km northeast of Yellowknife
Diavik Website

Victor Diamond Mine, A.K.A. The Beers was the fifth Canadian diamond mine to open. It was located in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario, about 50 miles west of Attawapiskat. It was an open-pit mine owned by De Beers and the first diamond mine in Ontario. This mine Is now closed. De Beers stopped mining at Victor in March 2019 and processed the last of the productive ore in May 2019. The mine exceeded its anticipated production by over 2 million carats.

The EKATI Diamond Mine is Canada’s original diamond mine. It was opened in 1998 by BHP Billiton, Canada, Inc. The mine is 90% owned by Dominion Diamond. However, in early 2020, Dominion, suffering financial problems, declared bankruptcy, and made a preliminary agreement to sell the mine back to Washington Companies.

Other Canadian Diamond Mines that are ethical include:

Chidliak in Nunavut’s Baffin Islands, Jericho in the Northwest Territories, Renard Diamond Mine in Quebec and Gahcho Kué in the Northwest Territories